$197.00 USD

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Meditate & Moderate: 30 Day Experiment for Overthinkers (December 2023)

What you get – Core Offering

  • Wise Monkey Effortless Meditation for Professional Overthinkers
    • Value: $110 
  • Peer Support
    • Value: $100
  • Go Deeper with Live Meditations
    • Value: $100

Core value: $310



What you get – Bonuses

  • Maintain Your Gains – Two Months Stay on Track Membership
    • Value: $85
  • Two-Minute Urge Crusher
    • Value: $100
  • 30-Second Craving Busting Power Question List
    • Value: $100
  • Why I’m Not Drinking Tonight Cheatsheet
    • Value: $115
  • 'Too Busy to Meditate' Toolkit
    • Value: $100 

Bonus value: $500



Total value: $810



You Pay: $197



Prefer to pay in instalments? You can do that here.


How much do you spend each week on alcohol?

Our students tell us it's anywhere between $100 and $300.

That's a LOT of your hard earned money, literally flushed away.

By investing in our training, you save that hard-earned money to put to better use. Also, these methods will transform many aspects of your experience. It's your personal toolkit for life.

An investment made now will give you tools and strategies for you to use for your entire life.



Dates & Times

Main weekly session

First session is on Sunday 3 December 2023 for 60 minutes via Zoom.

It is OK to join late or leave early when you need. Sessions are also recorded if you can't make any and want to catch up. Check your location below for the times.



  • 9pm Eastern
  • 8pm Central
  • 6pm Pacific


Go Deeper with Live Meditations

Outside of the main weekly session, there are two additional live meditation sessions to choose from during the week – they go for 30 mins. 



  • 8.30pm Eastern
  • 7.30pm Central
  • 5.30pm Pacific



  • 8pm Eastern
  • 7pm Central
  • 5pm Pacific


Main Sunday sessions are recorded if you can't make any.


Two-Click Refund Guarantee


I'm so confident in this program that I offer a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee at any point during the program.  


No awkward questions – with the two-click refund guarantee, all your have to do is email [email protected] with the subject “refund”). One of course assistants will process the refund as soon as we get it and wish you all the best! No hard feelings. 


Which of these sounds riskier to you?


You want more control over your drinking but you also don’t want to waste your time or money on a program that doesn’t work.


I know where you’re coming from – I too have been burned by online programs that promised and failed to deliver. 


If you don’t try this program, you won’t have risked anything, but you won’t have gained anything either.


With our two-click refund, you will get 100% of your money back within the first 30 days without having to give a reason.


To take the course or not take it are both risk-free decisions, but only one will help you achieve your goal. 


The beauty of the two-click refund is that I’m not even asking you to decide yes or no today. All I’m asking is that you make a fully-informed decision. The only way to do that is from the inside the program. 


Only once you start will you be able to make a fully-informed decision about whether this is for you or not. You can’t make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking around.


And if you’re not happy with the decision between now and one month into the start of the course, I won’t be happy keeping your money.


I only make this guarantee as I'm confident the program will do what it says it will. And for the very small percentage of people who disagree, I'm more than happy to give a refund and wish you well.


So which risk-free decision will be more likely to get you to where you want to be in 100 days?


If you have any questions about the course or payment process, don't hesitate to get in touch.

What People Are Saying:

My life is better with meditation. It's better not drinking so much. It's better with everybody here in it. I don't do online forums. I barely use social media. Most groups I've ever been a member of, I've left and thought, no, not for me, not quite right. But this group is like lightning in a bottle. I feel my life is better and it's also been blown apart in ways I couldn't have imagined when I signed up for this course.


I’m amazed that when I get my meditation practice in place, all this other stuff just falls away – the desire to drink, but also being able to limit how much I’m using social media and watching less news. I’m getting so much more done in the evening! I’m so grateful and amazed at how the connection of the group and meditation are having such profound effects.
