Achieve sober freedom and mental clarity without feeling overwhelmed


– YOU CAN go alcohol-free without succumbing to work stress and without alienating your friends or colleagues.


– YOU CAN stop drinking while still going to work events and strengthen your relationships with coworkers while you’re doing it.


– YOU CAN avoid setting yourself up for failure.


– YOU DON'T have to label yourself an alcoholic or give yourself over to a higher power. 


– YOU DON'T need to wait till rock bottom to make this change. You don’t need to wait till the perfect time – if you’re thinking about this now, now is the best time.


Registrations are currently closed – apply to be part of the next cohort.



  • You’re a successful professional, executive or business owner who knows you could do better in all areas of your life without alcohol – particularly at work.

  • You’re an over-thinker who uses alcohol to quieten your over-active mind.

  • You want the clarity, critical thinking and increased productivity that a combination of not drinking and regular meditation will bring.

  • You’re sick of inconsistent results and are ready for lasting change.


If you’re nodding along to the above and feel the pull towards the clarity, calm and increased business performance of a life of sober freedom, this is the program for you.  




This program has been specifically designed for success-orientated professionals and entrepreneurs whose drinking is limiting their potential at work.


It’s for people who are high-functioning, but know they are not delivering the best work they are capable of. They use alcohol to cope with stress and are ready to make a significant change in their lives.


This abstinence-based, science-backed program is the culmination of what I have learned working with high-achieving drinkers over the last four years.


It has been distilled into the most effective elements so you can make significant shifts in your life while still coping with the high demands of your job or business.



  • Create a stress-busting routine so you can stop relying on alcohol, in an efficient way that won’t eat into your busy schedule 


  • Find the support of a professional coach and support group so you can stop trying to solve this on your own 


  • Build an alcohol-free life that’s healthier and more rewarding than anything you’ve had before 


  • Create mental space and clarity to achieve more at work with less effort 


  • Find a place of stillness within so that you can cope with more and take on greater responsibilities both at work and home 



You’ll get:


  • Wise Monkey Effortless Meditation for Professional Overthinkers
    • Find your place of calm, clarity and resolve in just 15 minutes wherever you are. This no-fluff, practical system works anywhere and is so powerful you will look forward to the edge it gives you. As one CEO participant says: “Meditation is the solution. 


  • Pocket Mentor for People with Full Calendars
    • Stay consistent and accountable with one-on-one daily text support from me – on your terms and your timetable. Consistent, tailored and professional accountability and guidance to keep you on track and get maximum results from minimum time investment.  


  • Expert Panel
    • Benefit from an expert panel of peers who, like you, are all subject matter experts in their industries and in the field of drinking. Most will likely have 10,000 of drinking experience – I know I do! Judgement-free, private and confidential connection for people who don't do groups. Experience the power of non-judgemental, non-cringey connection with likeminded people. You can keep your cameras off in meetings if you don’t feel like contributing.


  • Awareness Amplifier Series
    • Deep dive into science-backed ways to understand and overcome your habits and motivations so you can create and maintain lasting change. 


  • Peer Support
    • Graduate from relying on the false friend of alcohol and benefit from the collective wisdom of people with decades of both drinking and professional experience. They are going through the same thing as you and by listening to their stories, you will feel less separate and better able to tackle this.  


  • Go Deeper with Live Meditations
    • Meditating live – even online – with an experienced teacher leads to deeper, more satisfying meditations which will give you the motivation to stay consistent. Join when it’s convenient for you – 3-6 opportunities a week, depending on your timezone.


  • Why I’m Not Drinking Tonight Cheatsheet
    • You don’t always have to tell your life story just to avoid drinking. Use this cheatsheet to find the perfect excuse for not drinking in any business or personal situation – and what you need to know to deliver these with a level of confidence that won’t open things up to discussion.
  • Turn Not Drinking at Work Events into a Career Superpower
    • Not drinking at work events can seem like a recipe for feeling left out (or finding your colleagues deathly boring). But with some mental reframing, you’ll see how not drinking can be the ultimate power move.


  • ‘Too Busy to Meditate’ Toolkit
    • Turn meditation from a chore into something that effortlessly boosts your working day. This toolkit will show you the best ways to make time for this essential practice so it gives you more time in your day not less.  


  • The Next Chapter Roadmap
    • Once you’ve solved drinking as a problem in your life, you will want to pick what life problem to solve next. And what to do with all the money you’ll be saving by not drinking!




On top of the core offering, you will also get:


  • Maintain Your Gains – Six Months Stay on Track Membership
    • As we say in the program, goals are good, systems are better! Rather than going back to your old ways after the course, we give access to six months of Stay on Track sessions to cement your new alcohol-free systems.


  • 2 x Private Coaching Sessions
    • Some issues need more time to discuss in detail. These 60-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with Rory can cover any topic you like and can be used anytime in the 12 months following the start of the program.


  • Set Back to Bounce Back
    • This program doesn’t encourage planned drinking, but unplanned setbacks are part of most people’s sober journeys. The quickest way to bounce back from a setback is through these on-demand five-minute debrief and reset calls/texts/emails with Rory.


"I was sceptical when I came across Wise Monkey Way"


Over the years, I’ve done some research and meditation was noted on quite a few of the things that I was following.

I tried minimalist drinking which started out well and then was a slippery slope to my normal drinking intake.

I tried AA which was definitely not for me. I was a little sceptical when I came across Wise Monkey Way.

Sober Freedom was quite a big outlay, but I was very interested in the meditation side of it, so I gave it to go and actually it has been the saviour of me. I’ve got my life back, I’m more present, less anxious, much calmer and I see things more clearly. I meditate and it helps.

I don’t know how it works, but it works for me. It quietens my mind and the cravings. I am no longer hostage to my habit.

Karen, Director, UK

"A pivotal moment"

There was a pivotal moment at 70 or 80 days alcohol free. I had an event with some of my closest friends who get together once every three months for a lunch that’s centred on food and wine.

The last event was just before the hundred days and when it came around again, I spent two weeks negotiating with myself about whether I would drink – maybe I'll just have one or two glasses, maybe I'll do this or that. I wasted so much mental energy on it for two weeks.

And then eventually I got the strength about a week before and had a one on one with Rory and he helped me on how to get through it. Then when I went to the lunch, I didn't even want a glass of wine. I didn't even notice the wine being poured!

It was a huge pivotal moment. I just went straight through and was like – I can do this now. 
The hundred day target really helped. It was like, come on, don't be an idiot, just do 20 more days.

Steve, VP Enterprise Sales, Melbourne 

"I took half the month off & had my best revenue month ever”

I’ve got more mental clarity, better thinking – everything's going better.

This has been my biggest revenue month in the history of my agency, which is crazy.

And I attribute it to this. I don't know if there were other things I was doing and I literally took half the month off – so something is going on.

I've always worked hard – maybe I'm working more efficiently or it's better quality work.

Less anxiety has really helped and allowed me to take more risks and push things a little bit more than I usually do. Jumping out there with imperfect action – that's what I call it.

I didn't think I could go a hundred days without drinking, – it was definitely empowering to know that I could.

Lindsey, Marketing Agency Owner, Los Angeles

100 days to sober freedom



I’m a meditation teacher and sober coach with seven years’ experience helping people manage their stress and find healthier coping mechanisms. 


I also have 20 years’ experience working in fast-paced corporate environments in the media in both London and Sydney and know what it’s like to hold down a stressful job while drinking heavily.


I also know what it’s like to work in the same environments having quit alcohol. 


In my last corporate job, I was Head of Product, managing the strategy, design and development of major news websites for an Australian media company. I had to be able to work deftly among senior leaders, spiky editorial staff and logic-centric engineers.  


With the double-clarity that came from meditating and not drinking I was able to better navigate this nuanced environment, getting better results and not letting things take a personal toll when they didn’t go to plan. 


As someone who used to drink to let off steam and un-stress at the end of the week, I also saw that alcohol was actually adding to my stress, not relieving it. This view is now widely supported by scientific research…

100 days to sober freedom

Saying cheers to five years of sober freedom with a delicious glass of... water! 




“A consistent effect of alcohol is that, even low to modest consumption disrupts the hypothalamic-adrenal axis and predisposes to more stress (lower stress threshold). No judgement on drinking here… but it makes people less resilient overall.”

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D, Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford Medicine. 




Meditation was my ticket out of the world of alcohol and in the two years after I started meditating everyday, I was promoted twice. 


Many people have a misconception that meditation will make them a slacker, but the opposite is more often true.


Not seeing everything as a crisis that I would have to take the blame for freed up mental capacity for problem solving. 


Work problems that would have kept me up at night became simply to-do list items for the next day. 


I took things less personally, could see where I could add the most value and generally got better results with less effort and had more consistent, less drama-filled relations with my colleagues.


I also successfully switched job function within the same company and increased my salary by 60%.


Results like this can be yours too, not matter what has happened before. 


Trying the same things as before or guilt tripping yourself won’t make you more likely to succeed. 


Whatever you have tried before, the approaches that didn’t work – it’s not your fault. 


Most programs target your behaviour, using blunt will power, or tinker with your thinking – which might work one day but not the next. Is it any wonder you failed?  


If those programs didn’t work for you, they weren’t right for you. Psychological approaches can help, but if you’re an overthinker, it becomes an endless cycle of trying to think your way out of a problem of overthinking.


This meditation-based program picks the best psychological approaches but also targets the root cause of overthinking. It first removes stress from your nervous system and changes your conscious state. 


If psychology is helping you run updated software, meditation is upgrading your hardware. Combine them and you will have a fully optimised mental machine.


“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein


And if you have had inconsistent results with being able to stick to meditation, this program will address that in a targeted way that respects the value of your time.

Wise Monkey Way is the world’s only meditation-centred sober program. 100 Days to Sober Freedom is our most advanced program to date. It will raise your conscious state so you see drinking in its true light. Liberate yourself from alcohol for good and then see where meditation will take you next.


No gimmicks, no quick-fixes that break at the first sign of trouble. This approach will give you the best tools and techniques and add an extra layer of individual coaching and accountability to help you stick to your meditation and drinking goals.

It’s like having a personal trainer for your sober fitness.





With all the above features and bonuses, you might be thinking that this program is going to place lots of demands on your time.


But the program has been specifically designed to require the least amount of time from you. I recognise you are already busy – the aim of this is to give the most bang for your time. As you'll see above, most of the bonuses are designed to save you time.


Investing in your future needn’t cost a lot of time. And you’ll be surprised how much time you get back when you stop drinking.


Below are the main components. All live sessions are recorded if you can't make them. Dates and times can be found when you click through to the country-specific pages below. There are options that work for all time zones.


  • Meditation: 2 x 15 minutes a day, pre-recorded – do them when it suits you


  • Pocket Mentor: A few minutes a day, over text, whenever is convenient. A gentle nudge in the right direction will work wonders


  • Weekly Workshop: 1 x 60 minutes, Sundays, recorded in case you can’t make it. Why Sundays? Busy professionals often have greater work demands during the week. Alcohol also tends to present more of a temptation on the weekend and the Sunday workshop  serves as a good reminder to stay alcohol free.  


  • Weekly Connect & Meditate: 1 x 60 minutes, Sundays, following the workshop, recorded in case you can’t make it. Group coaching, connection and meditation will set your week up in the best way


  • Live Meditation: Join when you can and go deeper. 3-6 opportunities a week, depending on your time zone, 30 mins each


CLARITY, CONSISTENCY, CALM – end the stop-start cycle and begin your next chapter. 


This is for you if...

  • You're a successful professional, executive or business owner who wants more mental clarity to fulfil your professional potential 
  • You're ready to commit to not drinking for at least 100 days
  • You have an open mind and are prepared to try new things
  • You are willing to invest in yourself now to benefit your future
  • You believe in the benefits of meditation, even if you may not have experienced them for yourself yet

This is NOT for you if...

  • You would rather moderate your drinking rather than taking a 100+ day break
  • You’re looking for a quick fix without putting in any effort yourself
  • You're not prepared to learn from mistakes 
  • You’re in active treatment for alcohol use disorder or think you will need medical assistance to come off alcohol, unless agreed in consultation with a doctor  



Quit alcohol meditation online
Quit alcohol meditation online app



Doing things right saves time and money in the long run. “Buy cheap, buy twice” is a cliche for a reason! The investment for this program will pay back huge dividends in terms of professional clarity and productivity, not to mention the direct savings of not drinking. 


Think of this as hiring a personal trainer for sober journey – you will get much faster results than trying to figure things out on your own.


At the height of my drinking, I was spending over US$15,000 a year on drinking and related activities. The extra income from being promoted twice compounded this gain into a significantly healthier financial situation.


Pick your country below for more details, session times, pricing and booking. 


Registrations are currently closed – apply to be part of the next cohort.

Got a question?

Do you have a question or would you like to set up a quick call with Rory or one of the team to discuss which program is best for you? Get in touch through our contact page – we'd love to hear from you.




I'm so confident in this program that I offer a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee at any point in the first 30 days. And you'll get 50% back between 30 days and 100 days.


You won't be asked any awkward questions – with the two-click refund guarantee, all your have to do is click here and press send (or use the contact form and say “refund me”).


One of course assistants will process the refund and wish you all the best! No hard feelings.


Which of these sounds riskier to you?


You want more control over your drinking but you also don’t want to waste your time or money on a program that doesn’t work.


I know where you’re coming from – I too have been burned by online programs that promised and failed to deliver.


If you don’t try this program, you won’t have risked anything, but you won’t have gained anything either.


With our two-click refund, you will get 100% of your money back within the first 30 days without having to give a reason.


To take the course or not take it are both risk-free decisions, but only one will help you achieve your goal.


The beauty of the two-click refund is that I’m not even asking you to decide yes or no today. All I’m asking is that you make a fully-informed decision. The only way to do that is from the inside the program.


Only once you start will you be able to make a fully-informed decision about whether this is for you or not. You can’t make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking around.


And if you’re not happy with the decision between now and one month into the start of the course, I won’t be happy keeping your money.


I only make this guarantee as I'm confident the program will do what it says it will. And for the very small percentage of people who disagree, I'm more than happy to give a refund and wish you well.


So which risk-free decision will be more likely to get you to where you want to be in 100 days?


This program runs only twice a year


Spots strictly limited to ensure quality of coaching
The course will pay for itself on alcohol/going out savings alone

If you have any questions about the course or payment process, don't hesitate to get in touch.


How much do you spend each week on alcohol?


Our students tell us it's anywhere between $100 and $300.


That's a LOT of your hard earned money, literally flushed away.


By investing in our training, you save that hard-earned money to put to better use. Also, these methods will transform many aspects of your experience. It's your personal toolkit for life.


An investment made now will give you tools and strategies for you to use for your entire life.



Take a positive step today and invest in your future. With our Two-Click Refund Guarantee, this is a risk-free decision. 


Registrations are currently closed – apply to be part of the next cohort.